Friday, 7 May 2010

Winter Paintings, 2.

. . . and let's have another one.

this one's 'gestation' - thanks, emma - wasn't quite AS long as that of the last painting, but was another of those pieces that was semi-abandoned for weeks and months at a time, called 'finished' around september but then heavily worked on in december to a point it changed completely - note the length of emma's hair. slight artistic license, but as of right now, not by much - and again, it benefited from being left alone, worked on and left alone again.

i'm really fond of this one, again. i think the colours came out great, especially. . .


  1. Bravo! Iain this is fantastic! :O

    I love her rosy cheeks! :P

  2. thanks, sarah - i'm fond of her rosy cheeks too, painted or otherwise :)

  3. I'm so glad you posted this one even though it was a bitch to photograph because of the gloss! :(

    As paintings go it's one of my favourites of yours. You make me look beautiful. :)

    You came into your element with these and I think you know that. And it was wonderful seeing you getting your confidence back again, honey.


  4. . . . i'm still not happy with this photo, though, for some reason grainy canvas is hellish to photograph. but i wanted these posted, so. . .

    these look funny now, almost like a 'blue period', i don't think i was aware at the time just how much blue i was using in EVERY. SINGLE. PAINTING. . . :/

  5. This one's so good. I wish I had better words than that. It's just brilliant- You're so talented!

  6. I agree - the colors are spectacular, including that bright blue. Not something you see a lot in your work, people wearing brightly colored clothing. Beautiful painting.

  7. that's the trouble with getting older and more of a realist - you can't just keep painting everyone in black, even if it does have certain graphic advantages. . .
